Philips Universal Remote LG TV Codes | Updated 2024

Philips Universal Remote LG TV Codes

Hey, Have a wonderful day! Are you trying to find out the Philips Universal Remote LG TV Codes? If yes, then don’t worry. In this blog, we aim to simplify your TV experience by exploring the world of Philips Universal Remote LG TV codes. Furthermore, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions on how to program your Philips remote to work with your LG TV.

Additionally, we’ll discuss common troubleshooting tips and solutions for any issues you might encounter along the way. So, let’s dive in and discover the world of Philips Universal Remote LG TV codes together!

Philips Universal Remote LG TV Codes
Philips Universal Remote LG TV Codes

Philips Universal Remote LG TV Codes

Here is the list of Philips Universal Remote LG TV Codes, try these codes one by one until you find the one that works.


How To Program Philips Universal Remote To LG TV Using Codes

Here’s how to program your Philips Universal Remote LG TV codes:

  1. Turn on your LG TV manually.
  2. Locate the setup button on your Philips Universal Remote. It is usually situated at the top, side, or back of the remote, depending on the model. Press and hold the setup button until the indicator light on the remote turns on.
  3. While still holding the setup button, enter the LG TV code corresponding to your TV model. Choose the code from the above list and enter the code using the number keys on the remote. The indicator light on the remote should flash or remain lit to indicate successful code entry.
  4. Release the setup button.
  5. Point the Philips Universal Remote towards your LG TV and press the Power button. If the TV turns off, the programming was successful. If not, repeat the steps using a different LG TV code until you find the one that works.
  6. Once your LG TV responds to the Power button, test other functions on the remote, such as volume control, channel selection, and input switching, to ensure all necessary features are working correctly.

That’s it. You have now programmed your Philips Universal Remote to control your LG TV.

How To Program Philips Universal Remote To LG TV Without Codes

If you’re unable to find the correct LG TV code for your model or prefer a more automated process, you can program your Philips Universal Remote to an LG TV using the auto search method. Here’s how:

  1. Turn on your LG TV manually.
  2. Locate the setup button on your Philips Universal Remote. Press and hold the setup button until the indicator light on the remote turns on.
  3. While still holding the setup button, enter the code “9-9-1” using the number keys on the remote. The indicator light should flash twice to indicate that you’ve entered the programming mode.
  4. Release the setup button.
  5. Point the Philips Universal Remote towards your LG TV and press the Power button. The remote will send out a series of power signals to find the correct code for your TV.
  6. Keep pressing the Power button every few seconds. The remote will continue sending power signals, and the indicator light will turn off and on during the process.
  7. Watch your LG TV closely. As soon as it turns off, immediately press the setup button on the remote to save the code. The indicator light should flash twice to confirm successful programming.
  8. Test the remote by pressing the Power button to turn the TV back on.


We hope this blog has provided you with the necessary guidance to program your Philips Universal Remote to work with your LG TV. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this blog, you’ll be able to set up your Philips Universal Remote with your LG TV in no time. Once your Philips Universal Remote is successfully programmed, you can enjoy the convenience and simplicity of controlling your LG TV with a single device.

If you encounter any difficulties, don’t hesitate to contact us or you can also consult the troubleshooting section of the remote’s manual or seek support from Philips customer service.

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